Economic Development

Bluff City Community Development Corporation through our housing efforts provides economic development in that our housing projects create jobs in the area of construction, property management, and other related areas. Housing stabilizes communities, which allows us to use our housing projects to attract commercial businesses and other development which leads to job opportunities for the communities in which our projects are located. Our housing policy is designed to help promote economic growth and regenerate or create socio-economic development in the communities that we service that are under-performing areas as it relates to economic viability.

Even in an increasingly virtual world, the housing landscape in any community is a significant factor in a business’s plans for expansion, relocation, and attracting and retaining top-flight talent.

Bluff City Community Development Corporation provides the following services to the residents who reside in our affordable housing projects through our community partners:

  • Money Management & Budgeting
  • Credit Counseling
  • Personal financial management counseling for children
  • Tutoring
  • Healthy Lifestyle & Wellness
  • Covid-19 Relief
  • Youth Mentoring
  • Job Training
  • AIDS/HIV education
  • Training and assistance in developing self-help groups
  • Interpersonal cognitive problem solving